5 Steps To Having A Great 2022 Race Season!
Best Strength Exercises For Improving Your SWIM!
Welcome to the Peak Performance Podcast I’m your host Dr. Marc Dupuis on this show we discuss tips, tools and strategies for optimizing athletic performance, overall health & wellness! In today’s podcast Dr. Dupuis brings on Back to Health Chiropractic’s own Dr. Nikki Holt. Dr. Holt swam for four years on scholarship at Mars Hill […]
Insulin Resistance (IR), a leading cause of Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Diabetes, Obesity, Inflammation & More. Learn what causes IR and what you can do to both prevent & reverse it!
Good day everyone! Today’s topic, Insulin Resistance, a leading cause of Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Diabetes, Obesity, Inflammation & More. Learn what causes it and what you can do to both prevent & reverse it! Now, for all you athletes out there and especially those of you training and competing in endurance events: Because carbohydrates make up […]
Staying Fit, Fast & Injury Free with the Legendary Greg Bennett
I’m your host Dr. Marc Dupuis on this show we discuss tips, tools and strategies for optimizing athletic performance, overall health & wellness! Today I’m Pumped to bring you this interview with an absolute LEGEND in the sport of triathlon, Greg Bennett! Greg Bennett raced as a professional triathlete for 28 years! Over his time […]
PAIN: Why Pain Is Your Friend And Not The Enemy!
PAIN: Why Pain Is Your Friend And Not The Enemy! Welcome to the Peak Performance Podcast I’m your host Dr. Marc Dupuis on this show we discuss tips, tools and strategies for optimizing athletic performance, overall health & wellness! Today’s topic is Pain! Pain is the number one reason people seek medical care, however, despite […]
PPP: 016 Xterra Racing & Training Secrets with 3X Xterra World Champion Lesley Paterson!
Today’ I’m Pumped to be bringing back to the podcast, professional triathlete, 3X World Xterra champion & Braveheart Coaching Co-founder, Lesley Paterson! Lesley, welcome back to the show! Okay, a lot has happened since we last talked, most notably, in 2018 you won the ITU World Cross Championship and then capped off the year […]
PPP: 014 Polarized Training – Used by the World’s Best Endurance Athletes and Why YOU should Too!
Polarized Training – Used by the World’s Best Endurance Athletes and Why YOU should Too! I’m your host Dr. Marc Dupuis on this show we discuss tips, tools and strategies for optimizing athletic performance, overall health & wellness! Today’ conversation is likely to blow up many of the basic ideas & beliefs you […]
PPP 009: Interview with 3X Ironman Champion, Xterra World Triathlon Champion and Olympian Michael “Michi” Weiss
PPP 009: Interview with 3X Ironman Champion, Xterra World Triathlon Champion and Olympian Michael “Michi” Weiss Show Notes: The information you are about to hear is for education purposes only. Please consult your doctor before attempting to implement anything covered in the following episode. I’m your host Dr. Marc Dupuis on this show we […]